PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff Information

As you may have heard, PG&E is planning to turn off power for public safety in certain parts of Oakland on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The current impact area does NOT include Chabot Elementary, however, the school is right on the edge of an impacted area and like anything weather-related, conditions could change rapidly. We’re taking precautions so we’re prepared, if necessary. If Chabot Administration receives word that Chabot will not have power and school will close, you will be contacted in the following ways:

1. OUSD and Chabot will send an automated phone call and email.
2. Room parents will send out an email and text message (If you haven’t provided your cell phone number, please enter it in the sheet created by your room parent [ROOM PARENTS, INSERT LINK TO CONTACT INFO SPREADSHEET HERE].

Some resources about the Safety Power Shut Offs are provided below. We will do our best to keep you informed if we receive updated information.
Jessica Cannon


Even if the school keeps power, you may live, work or have family members in one of the impacted areas this week. If you do live in one of these areas, you should have been or will be getting emails, texts or calls today from PG&E (assuming your contact information is up to date). Here are a few direct links with more information:

Latest News Release on the current potential PSPS event (as of 10/7 8:45PM)
Find out if your service may be impacted by a PSPS (enter your or any address)
How to Prepare for Outages
Validate/Update your PG&E Contact Info to make sure you get the latest alerts

LETTER FROM OUSD via email last evening:

Over the past several years, fire season has become more troublesome. This week, we are facing a challenging set of circumstances. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) says due to gusty winds and dry conditions in the forecast, they will be taking proactive measures by shutting down power. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week, PG&E is planning to turn off power for public safety in some parts of the Bay Area because of fire danger. The utility says it could happen in Oakland, which could affect some schools located on specific power lines. This is part of the utility’s new Public Safety Power Shutoff protocol. To learn more about the planned power outages visit:

Based on the plans so far from PG&E, it appears that about ten schools could have their power shut off. The power would be turned off not just at the schools, but also in the surrounding neighborhoods.

How to Stay Informed about Outages at Specific OUSD Schools
If we learn that the power at your school will be turned off, we will:

Send out a robocall to all students, families and staff at the affected schools sometime Tuesday evening, October 8, to let you know that your school will be affected.

Post the list of closed schools on our website homepage:

Post information to our social media channels (@OUSDnews Twitter and Facebook).

Disseminate information to school sites to share with families.

If you do not receive a call, you can assume your school is open as usual on Wednesday, October 9.

Also, each day we will send out additional messaging regarding the next day’s plans for affected schools and update our website and social media sites. Unfortunately, this situation could stretch into several days if the weather patterns persist.

OUSD has no control over these power outages but wants to ensure everyone is prepared. As is always the case, the health and safety of our students and staff is paramount.

Thank you for supporting education and safety at our schools.

John Sasaki
OUSD Communications Department