chabot book fair 2021

Online Book Fair, February 22 – March 1

Ms. Reese and Ms. Kathleen are excited to announce that Chabot will be having an online book fair in partnership with one of our favorite bookstores, East Bay Booksellers, during the week of February 22 – March 1.

The fair will provide Chabot families with an opportunity to buy books for yourselves, family, and friends, and will benefit Chabot at the same time (the store generously will give 20% of pre-tax sales back to the Chabot Library in the form of a store credit).

To browse and purchase online, go to the store’s website, adding CHABOT in the Coupon Code space (there ISN’T a discount), followed by your child’s teacher’s name.

We’d also like to encourage you to purchase gift cards for Chabot students whose families may be unable to afford new books. These gift cards will be sent online to Ms. Bermeo, who will oversee their distribution. You may order gift cards here, use CHABOT as the promo code, and send the cards to Ms. Bermeo at

If you would like assistance purchasing a book for your child, please email Ms. Bermeo.

All books will be picked up at the store by the librarians, and then passed to room parents, who will arrange pick-up by families.

Spread the word, everybody! The book fair is open to family, friends, and neighbors. Just remind them to use the “CHABOT” code so the school gets credit.

Check out the flyer HERE!