Oakland Day

Oakland Day

Thursday, November 16, 2017    12 pm to 2:50 pm


Join us in helping the Chabot community celebrate the diversity and history of Oakland so that our students can make connections to the past, present and future of our great city!


Interactive exhibits featuring history, authors, culture, art, music, and social justice will come to campus to engage all ages in exciting workshop and inquiry based learning!

Oakland Day is an opportunity for Chabot students, teachers, parents and community members to come together to learn about and celebrate the rich ethnic and cultural diversity of Oakland. This day will include interactive exhibits featuring culture, art, music, and social justice! Oakland Day is just one way our community is coming together to realize our school vision where: “Chabot students will feel included and valued so that they are able to take academic risks, problem solve, make connections, and use evidence to think critically.” What better way to realize this vision than spend the day learning and loving Oakland!

For more information please contact: Deb McKoy, Chabot SSC Co-Chair, at debmckoyhome at hotmail.com

Read The 2017 Press Release Here

2016 Participants

Melissa Reyes (author) will lead an assembly based on her book “I Am Sausal Creek”.

Website: www.nomadicpress.org/store/iamsausalcreek

Kamaria Lofton (author) will lead a book reading and sing along about Oakland.

Website: www.likethemoonpress.com

Sarah Bush Dance Project will lead a dance workshop to show how to move your body like nature.

Website: sarahbushdance.org

Dane Frederiksen (Digital Accomplice) will lead a video-making workshop.

Website: digitalaccomplice.com

Koko Larson (Oakland artist and clothing designer/maker) will lead a felt-making workshop.

Website: www.kokotoshimalarson.com

Rachel Perl (artist and color consultant) will lead a paper mosaic making workshop.

Website: hueconsulting.com

Jonathan Brumfield (urban artist, Safe Passages) and Josefina Alverado Mena, J.D. (CEO, Safe Passages) will lead a mural making workshop.

Website: safepassages.org

Rebecca Weiner (drama teacher) will lead an innovative improv workshop.

Deborah McKoy and Shirl Buss (Urban Planners, UC Berkeley Center for Cities and Schools) will lead a mapping project.

Website: citiesandschools.berkeley.edu

Amy Ferraris (documentary filmmaker) will lead an oral history recording project.

Website: cappuccinomovie.com/filmmaker

Crystal Wahpepah (chef) will lead a Native American cooking workshop.

Website: www.wahpepahskitchen.com

André Cole (dancer) will lead a Turfin Street Dance workshop.

Website: www.andrecole.com

Oakland Day at Chabot 2017