Hour of Code

It’s Hour of Code Week

Chabot is participating in the Hour of Code week beginning Monday December 7. Ms. Ettinger, Chabot’s Library Media Teacher, will be using interactive tutorials all week during regular media classes for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. The students will get hands-on experience of programming a computer.

Hour of Code is a nationwide campaign to celebrate computer science and coding for kids of all ages. Through age-appropriate tutorials kids learn constructive computer use, nurture creativity, and improve problem-solving skills. You can learn more about Hour of Code at these links:

Hour of Code Website

Hour of Code Tutorials (Used by Ms. Ettinger in class. Students can sign in with their OUSD Google account.)

Short Video About Hour of Code

Visit Chabot’s Virtual Library For More Coding Resources

Beyond the Hour of Code there are many ways for kids to learn and practice coding. Ms. Ettinger’s Virtual Library contains a variety of links for exploring online coding tutorials and visual programming tools. Check under the Hour of Code heading.